Strong & happy kids with the Earfs

A mother‘s wish: strong & happy kids

How do you raise strong & happy kids? We parents want our children to grow up to be happy and strong personalities who see a challenge in every difficulty. Strong & happy kids who can handle setbacks well. Unfortunately, no description manual was provided at birth. As fresh parents we can therefore only rely on our own intuition and experiences from others. Of course there are also a few tools such as guide-books, children’s books, card sets and games that can help us. However, everyone has to work out the right formula for themselves. It is for this reason that I created the Earf’world. With the Earfs you can explore your emotional world and raise strong & happy kids.

What makes strong & happy kids?


Statistics say only a small percentage of our children are happy. What are we doing wrong? In today’s fast-moving times it is often wrongly assumed, that material gifts make our children happy. That may be so in the short term, but this happiness will soon give way to the next wish and the next… A never ending story! So, what really makes our children to strong & happy kids? I am a mother of two kids myself, and I would like to share a few points that I discovered in my research:

Tips for strong & happy kids


Satisfy the basic needs

Success: Every child wants to be able to do something well.
Relation: Every child wants an intimate, reliable relationship with mom and dad.
Self-confidence: Every child wants to be independent and take responsibility.
Pleasure: Every child wants to have fun.

Spend time together

Spend time together without a mobile phone, newspaper or anything else. Devote a 100% of your attention to your child. The child feels seen and loved and you sure will have a lot of fun.

Independence & Self-confidence

Help your child make decisions, resolve conflicts, communicate their own opinions and accompany them to independence (within certain limits).

Discover your emotional world

Recognize, discover and learn to deal with all feelings. The Earf’family explores the emotional world with you. They are at your side through thick and thin!

♥♥♥ Strong & happy kids ♥♥♥

Strong & happy kids = happy parents



I firmly believe that teaching children to tune into their emotions is a lifelong gift. To that end, I have created ‚The Earfs‘, a family of fun, colourful, and time-traveling characters that help you navigate and understand the emotional world so you can help your child be self-confident, content and happy. Strong & happy children means strong & happy parents! The Earf’world currently consists of 24 characters with a particular emotion and an accompanying message.

Tools for parents, teacher and therapists!

As a mother, you can playfully approach the topic by using children’s books and card games. Spending time together, playing and laughing promotes the relationship with your child. The child feels seen and respected. This is the best foundation for the child to open up and start talking about their feelings. Nobody really likes to talk about their feelings and especially not revealing their vulnerability. That was exactly why I, a mother of two boys, created the Earf’World. I asked myself: ’How can I discover the emotional world with my children and? I need some creative tools!’ Everything is easier when approached in a playful manner. Hence I am excited to introduce you to two great card games, my two boys and me created:

‘Earf-Feeling-Flashcards’ for strong & happy kids!


The Earf’cards (30 Feeling-Flashcards) can help you to recognize your feelings, accept them and find useful solutions. Draw an Earf a day and there is already a topic to discuss! Each Earf has an individual message for you, and the enclosed guidebook offers lots of simple suggestions how to deal with different situations and feelings.

‘Get Earfed Cardgame’ for strong & happy kids


Get Earfed Spielkarten

Do you prefer to play? Then the Get Earfed playing cards for the whole family) are just the thing. But be careful! This is a card game for brave kids where every feeling is allowed. In a playful way, with simple rules and with lots of laughter, all players, big and small, are encouraged to talk about their feelings. Just give it a try!

Share the Earfs!

The EARF’s! What can we say?! Other than they tickle us and happy-our-hearts! Each character has a meaning and purpose; they explore the intricacies of human emotions. The artwork, the EARF Song and each of their personalities are SO delightful! The EARF Card Game provides insight made effortless through adorable rhymes — and it’s easy to play, making it a huge plus! The EARF’s are more than your everyday entertainment … they are known to improve communication and emotional intelligence. We highly approve and recommend them to anyone looking for a refreshing way of communicating with today’s youth!

Chief Robert TallTree and Terri Lynn TallTree Best-Selling Authors, Peace Advocates and world renowned Recording Artists, Co-Founders of, Colorado, USA

As an Early Childhood Educator, I use the Earfs as a fun and easy way to encourage children to identify and express their emotions. The Earfs offer visual and playful messages to children of all ages. The Earfs represent each emotion as unique and reminds each child that they are special too!

Shelly Bourgeaois, RECE, , Ottawa, Canada

These cards are great fun for the whole family! I also use them as a reward with patients. Especially patients who have issues with fears and social anxiety.

Kiri von Klier, Ärtzin der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Munich, Germany
Earf Power

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